by iGanja
22. May 2006 03:03
I know it's still May but June's STFU goes to none other than Boston Red Sox (well kinda, he has only pitched one game this year, and is currently on the DL) pitcher, David Wells. All I have to say is, look at your stats this year, you big hunk of tub-o-lard! While casting disparities at others based on their changing numbers, you might want to discuss your 15.75 ERA, 2.75 WHIP and oh, btw, one single strike out? Hmmm, based on your career stats, that looks a just a little fishy to me. Maybe it is YOU and your pumpkin sized dome who should be answering questions as to why you suck now that the steroid policy is in full effect? Wells gets holier than just about everyone Although, I really am more apt to believe it's just because you are simply washed up.
oh, I ganja
Shut The Fuck Up!