Thank god it’s finally over!

by iGanja 5. May 2006 02:53

The 6 game (longest since April 2002) losing streak has ended.  Although, I fear it is not, if this is the end of the pain for this year, I’d say we got out without suffering too much damage.  How did we do it, you ask?  With the help of three rooks, two making their major league debuts and one becoming the 92nd player in history to homer in his first major league at bat.  What a day!  Too bad it happened in Detroit!  Now, since the rooks picked up the vets today, maybe some of them will learn how to hit again.laa.gif


And now, a quick note on Tim Salmon.  Even though he has cooled off a bit, he has shown that he can still hit big boy pitching for power.  We weren’t expecting .300 and that’s fine.  He is still a dangerous hitter, and a huge asset to a team of increasingly young players that need a veteran of Tim’s experience and attitude around for the dog days.


Angels snap longest skid since '02, cool off Tigers


oh, I ganja!



Comments (3) -

michela United States
5/4/2006 6:07:28 AM #

Holy reincarnated cowbells batman, the Angels haven't had a 6 game loser since '02? Have the SD Pads have a 6 game winner since '02? And a quick note on Tim Salmon, he is by far the "Hottest" Angel (while "Coolest Named" goes to Vladimir), and that's all that matters. Anyone who cuts the hottest guy from the team goes to purgatory for an extra millenium, .100 bat average or .300. It's 1000 years a purgatory... hear that manager man?

Marla United States
5/10/2006 6:08:03 AM #

I guess I'll have to look at this blog since my favorite has been taken down. Do me a favor and post something recent to talk about.

michela United States
5/18/2006 6:08:28 AM #

Oh's all your fault. You forgot to knock on wood before you made this post. I don't think my heart rate went above 40 bpm during the whole game last night. Well, maybe when Dallas made that overhead catch...weren't you just talking about one of those?

Comments are closed

Oh, I Ganja

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